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Your Practice. Popular Courses. Business Business Leaders. Key Takeaways A chief financial officer is a top-level executive. The CFO is a financial controller who handles everything relating to cash flow, financial planning, and taxation issues.
A CFO is often the highest financial position and the third-highest position in a company, playing a vital role in the company's strategic initiatives. Financial reports completed under a CFO must adhere to financial standards. What Is a Chief Financial Officer? Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.
We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
Compare Accounts. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear.
Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. Executives and other leaders—collectively known as upper management—hold the primary decision-making power in a company.
Who's in the C-Suite? Chief Investment Officer CIO A chief investment officer CIO is an executive position mandated to supervise and guide the strategy for an organization's portfolio of investments. What Is Corporate Accountability? Accountability is the acceptance of responsibility towards other parties. Read about corporate, government, and political accountability. Reaching the top level of leadership in major companies often requires many years of experience as a professional climbing the corporate ladder, demonstrating executive ability along the way.
Another way to become a top executive of a large company is to start a small business that gets big. No matter how they begin their careers, C-suite executives must demonstrate both technical competencies and a wide array of soft skills related to communications, leadership, and strategic vision.
Factors that determine the number of C-suite roles in a company include its size and the nature of its business. Trends in technology and consumer preferences also play a role. For example, customers accessing their bank accounts online expect seamless experiences no matter which device they use.
If they log in using their laptops, they expect to see account information that matches what they see in their mobile app. For some companies, this may require creating a C-level role to oversee initiatives that involve integrating multiple systems and processes, touching on sales, marketing, operations, and technology.
Major publicly traded companies typically need several C-suite leaders. Smaller operations typically only need one C-suite executive, at the most two or three. A small business may have individuals leading key functions of a company, such as finance or marketing, who do not hold C-level titles. To meet these challenges, C-suite executives combine their foundational knowledge of business and technology with leadership skills, ethics, and a strong moral compass.
Graduating from a top MBA program can provide aspiring business leaders with essential knowledge and critical skills to thrive amid changing market dynamics.
The digital transformation of many business operations — sparked by the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence and the increased availability of massive amounts of data — is changing the landscape for leaders with C-suite titles.
These trends create opportunities for executives who have both a solid foundation of technical knowledge and the agility to adapt as market conditions change. The term digital transformation encompasses the advances in technology and telecommunications that have changed the ways that consumers and businesses engage in transactions. The proliferation of artificial intelligence and mobile technologies, increased use of data in everyday life, and expanding 5G networks offer examples of digital transformation driving change in the business world and society at large.
The reason, in large part, is that they are digital natives: they grew up using social media and smart devices in their daily lives.
This can be seen in the growing number of new C-suite titles and roles. Among the top C-suite roles added in the last five years are chief innovation officer, chief digital officer, chief strategy officer, chief data officer, and chief ethics officer. This creates new opportunities both to enter the C-suite and to advance within the C-suite. At the same time that the C-suite has been evolving to include more technology-related roles, the ranks of executives have become more demographically diverse.
Progress remains to be made in this area, however. Corporate boards of directors have also seen increases in diversity. The number of board seats held by women and minorities at Fortune companies increased from 1, in to 1, in , according to a Deloitte report.
In a global, more diversified business marketplace, C-suite executives will increasingly reflect the demographics of their employees and customers. Aspiring C-suite leaders looking to stand out from the competition can build their knowledge and competencies to learn how to innovate and think ahead.
MBA coursework provides students with essential business and management knowledge. Courses can cover topics such as finance, technology management, innovation entrepreneurship, international management, marketing, and sustainability.
The chief executive officer CEO position is the highest-level C-suite role in a company and the highest paid. CEOs are responsible for maximizing business value by setting the vision, long-term goals, framework, and direction of the organization.
Day-to-day responsibilities for CEOs vary according to factors such as the size of a company and the industry in which the company operates. The larger the company, the more likely the CEO will devote significant amounts of time to developing long-term strategy. CEOs at publicly traded companies must answer to boards of directors and work to maximize return on investment for their shareholders.
In small to medium-sized companies, CEOs may involve themselves more extensively in the daily work of running the business.