What stages can you get an abortion

Since the beginning of March, we have had a strict plan to help ensure our patients and our staff members stay safe and healthy. For everyone's safety, we have made many changes to the way we see patients for the duration of this global pandemic. We are strictly following the health guidelines below. We anticipate that we will need to follow these new guidelines and restrictions for some time, even after the stay at home orders are eased.

Public safety is always our top priority. Thank you for trusting us with your abortion care. If you are having a medical abortion you will experience the abortion at home and should have a support person with you during that time.

It's important to think about what contraception you're going to use after the abortion. You can usually start using contraception on the day of the abortion. If you do this you'll be protected against another unplanned pregnancy straight away.

You will need a check-up weeks after a medical abortion. You might need to have another blood test and ultrasound. If you have any concerns after having a medical abortion you can call the Marie Stopes International 24 hour advice number on Working through your options - www.

Family planning NSW client resource on contraception — www. Teenage pregnancy Journal of General Practice; 49 6 , Donate and support us. Talkline Home Factsheets Individuals Abortion Unplanned Pregnancy: Abortion Unplanned Pregnancy: Abortion This fact sheet is for women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and want information about abortion. Am I pregnant? Someone to talk to: Unplanned pregnancies happen to women of all ages and from all backgrounds.

There are three options to consider when you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy: continue the pregnancy with a partner or on your own continue the pregnancy followed by adoption or foster care terminate the pregnancy abortion. How is an abortion done? Medical abortion A medical abortion may be done by a trained GP or gynaecologist A medical abortion can be provided when you are less than 9 weeks pregnant.

A medical abortion happens in two stages: you will be given a tablet called mifepristone to take straight away you will then be given tablets to take hours later at home. These tablets are called misoprostol After taking both of these tablets you will experience something similar to a miscarriage.

Abortion: the law Abortion is legal in all states and territories of Australia under certain circumstances and when done by a registered health professional. Do I need a referral? How much will it cost? On the day Before the abortion a doctor or nurse will talk with you about what is involved in the abortion, what the risks are and what to do to take care of yourself afterwards.

Contraception It's important to think about what contraception you're going to use after the abortion. Follow up You should seek immediate medical help if you have: very heavy bleeding fever pain that isn't improved with simple pain killers You can seek help from: the clinic where you had the abortion done your GP hospital emergency department You will need a check-up weeks after a medical abortion.

Download as a PDF Factsheet. Share this page:. Surgical abortion is most commonly performed during the first trimester of pregnancy up to 12 weeks. The procedure is usually performed under light sedation and uses gentle suction to remove the lining and contents of the uterus. Medication abortion can be performed up to nine weeks of pregnancy.

The method involves taking a combination of tablets to bring on a miscarriage. Choosing the type of abortion Choosing the type of abortion is a personal decision and based on a range of factors and circumstances.

Why do some people choose a surgical abortion instead of a medical abortion? Only one clinic visit may be required for a surgical abortion. Medical abortions without complications require at least 2 telehealth or clinic visits. Pain and bleeding are usually mild. The person having the surgical abortion will not see the pregnancy tissue. The appointment is undertaken at a clinic.

The person will not need to find a private place to have the miscarriage. A intrauterine contraceptive device IUD or contraceptive implant can be inserted, immediately after the surgical procedure and whilst still under sedation. Why do some people choose medical abortion instead of surgical abortion?

A feeling of more privacy and control over the abortion process. Sedation is not necessary. The experience may feel more natural than a surgical abortion. They can choose the time the abortion occurs. It is usually cheaper. There are more health care providers that offer medical abortion, so you might not need travel.

Do I have to have counselling first? No, you do not. It is an option.


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