Whatever location you choose for the quarantine folder, ensure that you omit this folder from being scanned by any antivirus scanning program.
Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers stores infected files that it finds during a scheduled scan or a manual scan in this folder. You can also set the path for the quarantine folder by typing the following at the command line: CmdSymScan set quarantinefolder new path. To view the path for the quarantine folder, type the following at the command line:.
CmdSymScan show quarantinefolder. It automatically deletes files after 30 days. The Quarantine automatically deletes files after a specified number of days. You can also configure the Quarantine to delete files when the folder where the files are stored reaches a specified size.
You can configure the settings individually for repaired files, backup files, and quarantined files. Skip to main content Press Enter. Sign in. Skip auxiliary navigation Press Enter. Skip main navigation Press Enter.
Toggle navigation. Search Options. Endpoint Protection. View Only. Back to discussions. Expand all Collapse all sort by most recent sort by thread. Default quarantine folder location Jump to Best Answer. Thanks Brian! Now is there a documented reason why I can't view the folder???
If you're an admin, you can right click on the folde All the Malicious files will be put inside quarantine if SEP is not able to clean them, whenever n Broadcom Employee. Migration User. Posted PM. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free.
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