Why does tim tebow pray

The phrase "more money than God" just took on a whole new meaning. What about a copyright on God? Former Jets safety and defensive leader Jim Leonhard had perhaps the most cutting take on this subject back in He tweeted:. Remember when Tebowing was called praying any everybody was allowed to do it. With the role Tebow has come to occupy in the NFL, the role of Christianity's representative, we often forget that some Christians are the ones most opposed to his presence.

Well said! Thank you for pointing out that it is the same for either -a Christian, Jewish, Atheist,anti-whatever or pro-whatever! If you are hired to do a job, then that is what is required not less or more. Just the job!! I love the Lord Jesus Christ an I will witness for him by being the best person I can be, please people leave your personal opinions outside the workplace.

Those who are interested in your message know who you are, they can ask you for themselves. Tebow can be an excellent witness for Christ in his position. But scripture teaches against public demonstrations of piety. There is plenty of time to pray in the locker room. Praying on the field just strikes me as grand-standing. I could not agree more with the entirety of the article and this comment. When I see that praying in the end zone or other demonstrations like that from others, besides Tebow Matthew comes to mind!

Yeah, about those CEOs. Well, he was signed with the Pats last year for a short time during preseason and they seem to be pretty good talent evaluators and they cut him, Jets cut him, Denver cut him. But one thing I think he has which I see lacking in other starting QBs is a hard work ethic to correct his weaknesses. I have an idea, just leave the man alone! He can do whatever he wants! Your whole article is just a judgment of the motives of others, kinda holier than thou if you get my drift.

The next four paragraphs are just your imaginative suppositions, no substance or examples just a hollow reinforcement of your premise. First off God raises us all up to be where we are and gives us the talents and openings to be where we are. Who are you to say otherwise, maybe God delights in Tim Tebow?

Again who are you to judge what God wants out of His servants? All the prophets made fools of themselves in the eyes of the world and the religious establishment…take a clue there. You are wrong about that for sure. All stages in this life are opportunites for proclaiming the Gospel, just ask Paul who used every circumstance to do just that. But thankful for what? For letting Tim play football in the NFL? Speculating on motives again, both Tim and God.

If you think they are so pure then why are you questioning them at every turn? This whole article is an embarrassing judgment of Tim Tebows motives, when he could just be a simple passionate dude…yeah like the prophets of old and some of us today. I promise you all, they got their credit.

I utterly and completely disagree with you. I am proud that Tim Tebow testifies to his faith wherever he is. I am delighted that Tim Tebow is not afraid to be a Christian and be seen as a Christian. I believe all of us should be as naturally obvious as he is. He is simply being himself. If someone sees him praying, how is that forcing anything on anyone else? Nobody else is required to pray with him.

I believe he is a real person who is faking nothing. I believe the rest of the Christians ought to do the same. Some of us are not as demonstrative in our lives as others. So be it. Christians ought not to join in the hue and cry.

Of course he has the right to do as he pleases. However, this kind of behavior does tend to send strange messages.

I see it as a variety of the prosperity Gospel. God will prosper us, help our team win, help us make touchdowns, get good jobs and promotions and so on. If Tim Tebow whoever he is was indeed put there by God to proclaim the message like that, then who are we to criticise?

So other quarterbacks whatever they are — we have different sports here might not do as well or they might do better, but without the publicity. So what? Good on him. So moving on to other occupations: should a CEO use their position to proclaim the gospel with words?

Otherwise no. Just do a good job and let God sort out the rest. Mostly, I think he probably needs more talent. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

One question though, how can you tell if he is putting up an evangelical show or if it is a genuine appreciation from his heart towards Jesus? What if he genuinely cares more about Jesus than being a left-back on the team? Diligence, hard work, and respect should always be encouraged.

God is not an insecure jerk. He can handle Tebow. Dear Pastor J, do you know Tebow in person? I am no one to discern what is in his heart.

Father sees the heart, and He is faithful to raise him to maturity. Permit me tell you a story. I grew up in Africa, and when I was little, there was this lovely Roman Catholic grandmother who was a friend of the family. She would always come to the house and pray with us almost on a daily basis.

And yes, she had more than two rosaries with her at any given moment. She prayed on the streets, in church, in the market; and she would pray for anybody who gave her the permission to. From what I learned from her grand kids, she also prayed behind closed doors. She planted a seed in my heart which is still producing bearing fruits to this day.

The issue is about the WAY it is proclaimed. Maybe Tebow also praises God everytime his opponent scores a touchdown! Good knows we need more people who are not ashamed to publicly acknowledge God through Jesus Christ.

The day may well come when Tim Tebow will be forbidden by law to kneel and pray in public. So be thankful he and others still have the right to do what they feel lead of God to do! And it looks really, REALLY silly — as evidenced by the fact that Philly pretzel makers started making pretzels shaped like a kneeling dude as soon as he hit town.

We were taught to think of prayer as Jesus did — something you did often, but as a private conversation, not a public display.

I must say, I am gratified that Tim is not ashamed of Jesus — a rare quality. When an athlete prays, often he is praying for discipline, and the ability to do his best, which, if he does, and still loses, he would do well to thank God for the personal improvement; nevertheless, play to win.

Being a great guy, in and of itself, will not point people to Jesus; it will point people to his ego. Should Stephen, the first Christian martyr, have shut his mouth when he saw the Lord in His glory? After all, he was just a waiter; but he was moved by the Spirit.

These days, which are approaching to consummation of the age, how often do you see really convicted Christians unashamed of the name of Christ? When Jesus spoke about praying quietly, He was referencing the hypocrisy of the religious leaders, and those who did not practice what the preached.

He has been out of the NFL for two years, and still praises God any chance he gets. What his testimony shows, both on and off the field, is that he has great love for God. Tim Tebow is a light shining in the darkness. The NFL currently has a huge publicity problem with players who drive drunk and kill innocents, players who beat their wives, who carry guns, who use drugs…this is the culture they excuse.

The American Christian culture has embraced the world, has closed their mouths to sharing the gospel. Too many American Christians do not have oil in their lamps, and do not share a public testimony. To further compound the suppression of the public testimony, there is a strong movement of the social gospel going on in America which teaches that we must show the love of God in deed and not in word. According to the original image caption, the photo was taken by Associated Press photographer Julie Jacobson on Dec.

Tebow is a devout Christian and has expressed his opinion on abortion. In , he and his mother starred in a Super Bowl commercial for anti-abortion group Focus on the Family. But hese views are not his motivation for kneeling before games. So I think it's just to control how it's used, as well. Make sure it's used in the right way," he told ESPN in On June 8, , Tebow said he had never knelt during the national anthem.

After Kaepernick began his highly controversial kneeling protest against police brutality in August , some questioned whether Tebow's famous kneeling was also politically driven.

Tebow said he knelt to pray, not to protest abortion.


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